Future-ready PSA-RMM platform provider SuperOps.ai launched the #TogetherWeCan initiative at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo aimed at supporting Managed Service Providers (MSPs), many of whom struggle with mental health issues silently.
SuperOps.ai, which offers an AI-powered Professional Service Automation (PSA) and Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) platform, set up a 360-degree video booth at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo, held between May 1 and May 4, to bring awareness to an important and serious issue in a fun manner. Over 100 attendees took the 360-degree videos to symbolize their support for MSP mental wellness and to spread the message that together MSPs can handle the challenges that come with the stresses and strains of running an MSP business.
“Entrepreneurship is a lonely journey and founders do struggle with the pressures they face daily. MSP business owners face specific challenges due to the nature of their jobs as they need to keep their clients up and running and safe 24*7. It can be a very lonely job and can seem thankless at times. We realized that many MSPs struggle with mental health issues and do not seek support and do not know who to reach out to even if they want to get help. The #TogetherWeCan initiative is an attempt on the part of SuperOps.ai to do away with the stigma, educate MSPs on the importance of mental wellness, and to offer them a sense of community and support so they have someone to turn to when they need help,” said Arvind Parthiban, Co-founder and CEO of SuperOps.ai.